Obviously everything you write about ADHD is spot on. I have a question... do you think that ADHD symptoms are made worse through hormones? Specifically younger female hormones? I have been at my most ADHD in my teens, early 20's and when pregnant. Then again when I went through a very abrupt menopause.

I feel a lot less 'ADHD' these days. Maybe this is just a case of having learnt to be okay with being me, and so I don't care so much for the symptoms now. Maybe it's that I don't surround myself with anyone who has an issue with my behaviour. I mean, I work for myself, I barely see any real life friends ever. You know the kind of thing. Thoughts?

Essentially what I'm asking is, do you age out of the worst of ADHD physiologically, or as we age do some of us just cut out the things and people who make us feel crap about ourselves?

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As far as I know it's a biological fact that it gets more intense and harder to manage during big hormone transitions. Some meds don't work as well one week out of three. I think that's why so many of us finally got diagnosed in our 40s when peri made our coping strategies collapse...

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That said, I think it *does* get easier with active acceptance and management. So... Bit of both?

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The BEST thing that you can do is to cut out (ghost if you have to) those impatient, judgmental people who don’t even try to understand. I don’t think it’s something that you age out of so much as becoming wiser about it and reaching a point where you don’t waste your time trying to explain yourself or make people understand. It’s a liberating experience and a time and money saver.

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I wish more people could read this column and begin to understand what ADHD encompasses.

I can tell you that often even (especially?) trusted loved ones don’t want to understand or deal with it . They want a silver bullet in the form of meds to “cure” it. Often people don’t find out that they have it later when a point of no return is reached, usually either a failing relationship or job.

I have learned a few truths that seem to work for me. For me, meds aren’t as effective as a low carb diet and exercise. Adderal just made me grind my teeth and messed my sleep up. Modafinil in low doses has been more healthy and helpful.

The best lesson is to surround yourself with friends who like you and appreciate your quirky brain.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and share your experiences! I've yet to try meds but I'm absolutely certain that your last sentence is one of the most important things in managing this wild ride.

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Aug 1Liked by Alexandra Goldstein

Thank you. Changing my diet has helped most but there is no panacea. I’m here to help and offer support.

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